So I finally thought that we were over the worst cold.. It went from -18 to -8 in a day. The sun was shining, I enjoyed a 3 hour walk, and I could even put on my Allstars when I went to work. And then I woke up this morning, and the first thing I saw was the smoke coming out of my mouth. Yes ladies and gents, I live on a boat and this is the price I have to pay! Im not complaining.. Im just sayin`:) -20..boat or not! Its still GOD DAMN COLD!!! Suggestions to indoor activity if there`s not a TV in the house?
Cardgames - check Cleaning - check A little dance - check Facebook overdose - check Failed attempt to fill water in the tank - check
Im having my virgin trip on the boatelini tomorrow. Put the sailorhat on, cause here I come! Happy tuesday guys! - Captain Mia with crew

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