One year has passed so fast. We will be entering a new year within two weeks. Ive felt love in so many different aspects. I enjoyed a beauitful year with my x.. two beautiful twins was born in to the family. I am so proud of my brothers and the beautiful angels they have put on earth. Ive met so many wonderful new faces this year and have been lucky to work in a place where people make me laugh every single day. Ive traveled and met old friends again and last but not least, I live on a boat. A year full of adventure and new challenges has passed and a even more interesting is waiting right around the corner.
Im kicking off the new year in India. My heart is wide open and ready to let new people, cities, and happenings in. My camera is empty and ready to be filled up with great memories. Ive been waiting for you 2011.. I welcome you to rock my world more than ever. Xx Mia

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