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Wednesday, January 20, 2010


My body is eager.. to eager to sit still.. my mind is working but i cant even controll one single thought. my eyes are wideopen, wideopen to catch every move that surrounds me. where to go? what to do? how to rise to the top?

1. I want to travel.. where to go? India ?? Washington Dc?? New York?? Portugal??
2. I want to focus & climb to the top.. When is it time?? What do I do?? How do I get rid of thought number one?
3. I want to move.. But how can I start my life all over again after establishing it twice?
4. I want to scream out I LOVE YOU to lino in the street.. But how can I do that without him getting embarrased??
5. I want to party all night without getting tired and longing for bed..

I have a fear..a fear of growing up.. when will I ever feel a hundred percent satisfied??

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