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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

So this is christmas...

9 hours in bus.. 8 hours on train.. to finally reach what I now call the DREAM destination. Mo i Rana has always been a place I would never imagine moving back to. Its dark, its grey, its boring.. and its just not my type of city. But today, it feels like im flying in to Hollywood Bouleward!! Grandma, mum, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends, the lovely charlies angels and last but not least, im introducing lino to my hometown where i was shaped to the lovely princess that i am! hahaha.. Well with that. its just left for me to wish you all a fantastic christmas with family and friends, enjoy, relax and EAT!! hahaha


AK said...

Det er sant som de sier; There is no place like home.. :)

Anonymous said...

Kjenn et lite stikk av missunnelse :P Ha ei fantastisk fin jul, Mia! Hels Vigdis, Solveig og alle så mye.
Klem fra Marte