Anyways, so I had a discussion with myself and the patient (Miss G) a few days ago. Do you belive in destiny?? Guys, to many things have happened the last weeks for me NOT to belive in destiny. Ill give u a short brief of what was a lifesavior out of the blue!
MOnday morning, 9 oclock. I standing at work pushing myself to the maximum to get through the day. The sweat is dripping from my whiteblue face and I know I should be home in bed. Its a hectic week and I cant allow myself to be sick. The only thing that would make me leave is if my boss told me to leave. A few hours passes and my boss comes over "Mia, go home recover, get better and come back" .. Puhhh thank god, thought I was gonna die if I had to complete the days. Before leaving work I call G. She is home with bad aches in her stomach.
As I enter the door to the boat I just hear gasps and screams from the lower section. I rush down and find poor G sitting on all four in bed gasping for air. The pain is unbearable and I have never seen a person suffer as much as this. After a little while she crawls up the stairway and limps her way out of the boat. Hospital next.
It turns out her gallblatter exploded and they had to do a rush surgery. Things turned out okey but the doctors stated that they dont know how it could have gone if she came in later.. = If I had pushed myself through the day at work (which was the plan) she would have lied at home with a open blatter not being able to do anything. THe pain was so strong she couldnt even call me at work.
That is why, ladies and gents, that I truly belive that destiny plays a part in our lifes. But when it comes to G and I, I think we transmitt messages to eachouther without even knowing. hehe.. Long live BFF`s

G and I camping summer 2010
LONDON HERE I COME!!! 24 hour countdown. Better get rid of this cold!!!
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