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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Back to smoking week 3

I guess I updated you guys on my NOsmoking upto week 3.. it was great. fresh breath, great skin,loads of energy. And then the partyseason came. parklife, travelling, inspiration, long nights with wine and along came the marlboro lights!! Shit!! I really enjoyed the no-smoking everyday. But now Im back.. But its not going to last forever I tell ya! Isnt temptation a bitch?? How do you deal with temptation when its illegal? Any tips? How do you get through the parties without smoking? I get it.. U just dont.. haha, okey time for a slap in my head.
Ill get back on track soon I PROMISE!!!!! Just have some things to take care of first. Get back to u!!



Electronic Sally said...

I have some advice from you-STAY AWAY from these parties!!!!Better luck next time!

La Chula said...

Haha. Easier said than done being the most curious girl of them all. I hate to miss out.. Maybe I should just buy myself some chocosigs? ;)

Blogger said...

Are you paying over $5 per pack of cigarettes? I buy my cigarettes over at Duty Free Depot and I save over 50%.