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Friday, April 16, 2010

Oslo is summering up

Hello everyone AND HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Sun is still shining and my feet are aching after a psycho week at work. Whats up with SUN = SHOPPING ?? Oh my god, people are going nuts in the store, but its good:) Fantastic how good the feeling of WEEKEND is after a hard week at work. Anyway, Ive been so into my QUIT SMOKING campaign that I`ve forgotten about the beatiful weather and all the nice days we have had this week..
Here`s some nice pictures of my man and I from Akerbrygge the other day. What a nice way to start the morning..

1 comment:

Vigdis Sandberg said...

Førr en herlig start på dagen....
Kos dåkker i sommerNorge - her snør det.. Fortsett det sånn så kommer eg nedover