Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Norwegian Fligh DY768 to Trondheim. Please sit back, relax and enjoy your trip. Finally 45 minutes of complete silence. 45 holy minutes to get my head straight.
10 months has passed in Norway. During the ten months I went from being assistant store manager to store manager, I fell in and out of love, I woke up one day not remembering how I got there the day before, I had a big fight with one of my best friends, I travelled, I had one weekend without partying, I spent way too much money, and now, entering the tenth month I just don’t know if there is more to come for me in Norway?
I hate seeing myself just giving up on this city, but I want to wake up excited every morning and have the possibility to experience something new, but I never do unless I travel.
I have become” a true Norwegian” again. The A4 person as we call it in Norway. I wake up at 08.00 every morning, I brush my teeth, have my shower and walk to work. After 35 minutes I open the store gate and check the emails. After six and a half hour I leave work in desperate need of food, so I run home. Every Saturday is party time, I drink the same cava and go out on the same clubs, I meet the same type of people.. ahh…
Luckily I live with two of my best friends so we have a lot of fun at home.. but ITS JUST NOT ME!!! Im an explorer, I love the unexpected, I love living life on the edge, and I love failing to learn from it again. I am sure if I took a test of where to live, London, Barcelona or New York would come out in a big green light..
Ohh dear old B arcelona. How can I forget about you? You made me fall in love, you showed me a side of life I thought I would never see. And now, you showed me a great man as well. What’s a girl to do??
London.Wow, what a dream.. The city of possibilities where everybody can be themselves. Hmm…
New York. What can I say?? No words needed!!
So with that said my next question would be, what do we choose when thoughts like this bump up?? Love, in hope that he might be a right and good choice for me? Or a city that would open up a new world for me? Or three months of crazy fun in New York?? Oh gosh.. I don’t know. All I know is that I would have to pay a hell of a lot overweight to bring all my new shoes with me.
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