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Sunday, May 02, 2010

No smoking WEEK 3

Wow.. time flyes by! Three weeks without smoking.. Here are the positiv effects
-Money saved
-I can clearly see a different in my skin. I look way more healthy
-My clothes smell fresh & so does my apartment
-I feel the nasty smell when people has smoked. I am not kidding when I say that they look like a ashtrey!!

I am so proud and happy that I have stopped.. and its going really well!! KNOCK ON WOOD!! My mum has even stopped, after XXXXXX years of smoking. And its going so good for her aswell.. Does it run in the blood?? Good at stopping to smoke? haha

The other day I was at a birthayparty and Lino joined me... and we said hello to a friend of a friend.. he acted weird towards Lino and just walked away after we said HEllo how are u? ... It turned out , he doesnt speak english!! Isnt that very weird?? To be 25, live in norway and you dont talk english? I dont understand it.. ??

Mountainside calling folks. Have a good one


Anonymous said...

how is the non smoking going?

*curious boy*

La Chula said...

Uff.. summer,sun,beer,wine.. and a littlebit of sigrattes now and then with alcohol. Other than that its going good. I will have to be more strict with myself now that camping season is about to reach a end.. :)