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Monday, April 19, 2010

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. M.i.a partners

What a sad ending to something that should`ve been a perfectt weekend!!
Bobbysox and Jasattack from Birmingham didnt show up afterall because of the ashes that has covered europe as a dark blanket. Monica got here before the vulcano, but had to leave on saturday instead of sunday with train. SO we ended up with no supriseparty & not so much fun. But I made the best out of the situation..

And guess what. Today I am day 8 without smoking. Not as much as a little drag. I am very proud. For those of you who wonder how I went through a party & a winenight without a sigarett, I can tell you that it wasent easy. But I have made a promise to myself and Im not breaking it. Besides.. Where is the glam with smelling like a ashtray?? we have enough ashes around the world now peeps! Lets not contribute to more !! :) Have a good day folks, and lets hope the dark skyes doesnt come to Norway.

The M.I.A`s

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