Gosh how time flyes.. ten days without sigarettes.
hmh...actually, to be honest with u, the addiction is completely gone. I am more happy,more energetic, I dont really think about sigarettes and I definitly dont think about smoking one.Last weekends party was a little tough, other than that - I havent felt anything at all. Lets see how this weekend turns out!
I think the most important thing in a stop-smoking process is to be hard and honest with yourself. 1 drag is not worth it, and it might get you to fall back. Replace the siggis with other things.. like the gym.. and if it is food the first week, then so be it :)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The norwegiean mountainhikers!!!
So many people think that Oslo is just full of trash, big buildings & malls. But this says more about you than what it says about Oslo. As in every city in the world, we have to go a littlebit out from the center inorder to breath fresh air and to see green all around us. (except from Central Park New York ofcourse)
We are so priveliged in Oslo to live a 20 minute busride from the mountainside. Last sunday I brought my faithful mountainlover friends to Frognersetern. We walked through the woods, down to Sognsvann and home.All in all; a two and a half hour walk. Fantastic and recomended!!

We are so priveliged in Oslo to live a 20 minute busride from the mountainside. Last sunday I brought my faithful mountainlover friends to Frognersetern. We walked through the woods, down to Sognsvann and home.All in all; a two and a half hour walk. Fantastic and recomended!!
The ashes dosent stop us from mingeling with sikhs
Good morning everyone & happy new years
Last weekend we were waiting for Bobby & Jas to come and visit us from Birmingham. But because of the ashes they couldnt come. It was so sad.. but in hope of having some fun the girls met in town saturday afternoon to have a nice lunch and catch up. AND GUESS WHAT WE MET ON OUR WAY; whats the ods?? A SIKH CELEBRATION!
happy newyears bobs and jas... oh how we wish that it was you guys in this photo! hehe..

Last weekend we were waiting for Bobby & Jas to come and visit us from Birmingham. But because of the ashes they couldnt come. It was so sad.. but in hope of having some fun the girls met in town saturday afternoon to have a nice lunch and catch up. AND GUESS WHAT WE MET ON OUR WAY; whats the ods?? A SIKH CELEBRATION!
happy newyears bobs and jas... oh how we wish that it was you guys in this photo! hehe..
testing 1234
good evening godtfolk
I got good news for u today
1# im blogging from my phone for the first time in my life. Yupp thats true, new phone = more technologic skills!
2# hm opened a new store today in mo i rana.... And i guess this is one of days where my statement 'nothing to do there' proves me right. Check out the link to see how the opening went;) http://www.ranablad.no/nyheter/article5083274.ece
I got good news for u today
1# im blogging from my phone for the first time in my life. Yupp thats true, new phone = more technologic skills!
2# hm opened a new store today in mo i rana.... And i guess this is one of days where my statement 'nothing to do there' proves me right. Check out the link to see how the opening went;) http://www.ranablad.no/nyheter/article5083274.ece
Monday, April 19, 2010
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. M.i.a partners
What a sad ending to something that should`ve been a perfectt weekend!!
Bobbysox and Jasattack from Birmingham didnt show up afterall because of the ashes that has covered europe as a dark blanket. Monica got here before the vulcano, but had to leave on saturday instead of sunday with train. SO we ended up with no supriseparty & not so much fun. But I made the best out of the situation..
And guess what. Today I am day 8 without smoking. Not as much as a little drag. I am very proud. For those of you who wonder how I went through a party & a winenight without a sigarett, I can tell you that it wasent easy. But I have made a promise to myself and Im not breaking it. Besides.. Where is the glam with smelling like a ashtray?? we have enough ashes around the world now peeps! Lets not contribute to more !! :) Have a good day folks, and lets hope the dark skyes doesnt come to Norway.

The M.I.A`s

Bobbysox and Jasattack from Birmingham didnt show up afterall because of the ashes that has covered europe as a dark blanket. Monica got here before the vulcano, but had to leave on saturday instead of sunday with train. SO we ended up with no supriseparty & not so much fun. But I made the best out of the situation..
And guess what. Today I am day 8 without smoking. Not as much as a little drag. I am very proud. For those of you who wonder how I went through a party & a winenight without a sigarett, I can tell you that it wasent easy. But I have made a promise to myself and Im not breaking it. Besides.. Where is the glam with smelling like a ashtray?? we have enough ashes around the world now peeps! Lets not contribute to more !! :) Have a good day folks, and lets hope the dark skyes doesnt come to Norway.

The M.I.A`s

Friday, April 16, 2010
Oslo is summering up
Hello everyone AND HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Sun is still shining and my feet are aching after a psycho week at work. Whats up with SUN = SHOPPING ?? Oh my god, people are going nuts in the store, but its good:) Fantastic how good the feeling of WEEKEND is after a hard week at work. Anyway, Ive been so into my QUIT SMOKING campaign that I`ve forgotten about the beatiful weather and all the nice days we have had this week..
Here`s some nice pictures of my man and I from Akerbrygge the other day. What a nice way to start the morning..

Here`s some nice pictures of my man and I from Akerbrygge the other day. What a nice way to start the morning..
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
No smoking hypnose
I got a interesting offer yesterday.. NO SMOKING HYPNOSE! haha.. i love it!Its a girl at my job that studies this and she offered me a free 3 hour treatment. its fantastic!! Have u ever heard about anyone that has done it? They say it works.. and that it helps you to get very motivated to stop smoking.. I like the idea, sounds new and interesting! ... to be continued..
No smoking DAY 3.
Today was much better than yesterday!!I havent felt any need of smoking AT ALL!!so far... I Love being a nonsmoker at work.. I feel so much more fresh, and healthy! The problem yesterday was when I came out from work after alot of stress.. But I guess I just need to keep myself occupied with something else! i still didnt smoke so I AM PROUD OF MYSELF!! are u?? :) Next stop, the best hairdresser in the world ; Maja Konstanse Silfvenius! Any tips of what to do? :)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
No Smoking DAY 2.

Juhuu!! I made it through yesterday, and I made it through today.. Yesterday was easy, I was so excited to be a nonsmoker that I was sniffing of people that smelled smoke, just to confirm to myself how healthy I felt!! haha.. Pathetic?? I know.. Does it help?? for sure!!
Today hasent been bad aswell.. But I really really felt for a sigaret after work! I was such a stressful day today, people everywhere, sun was shining from clearblue sky, i met my friends for dinner at the harbour!! BUT WE DIDNT SMOKE!!!! I am soo proud of myself.
Motivated and STRONG!! That is what I am.. Any tips on how to keep away from sigarets when the weekend comes and the wine is in the glas?
By the way.. everybody looks like gigant sigrattes to me! haha.. Not so sexy..
Monday, April 12, 2010
No smoking DAY 1.
Today is my first day as a non smoker. I have 5 pcks left that I bought in dutyfree. They will be sold today for a nice price of 50 kr pr pack. Does anyone have any tips on how to avoid taking a sigarett when the URGE is really there?? I really want to do this..
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Noe enhver bedrift /familie/vennekrets burde tenke på..
Å framsnakke-
er å snakke positivt om og til mennesker. Dersom man ikke har noe positivt å si, så lar man være å snakke om andre.
Hjelp oss med å spre denne holdningen. Alle tjener på det:)
KLIKK på denne linken for å joine gruppen på facebook
er å snakke positivt om og til mennesker. Dersom man ikke har noe positivt å si, så lar man være å snakke om andre.
Hjelp oss med å spre denne holdningen. Alle tjener på det:)
KLIKK på denne linken for å joine gruppen på facebook
Move ur dancingfeet in the sunshine in Oslo City
Sun is shining, the weather is sweet
Make you want to move your dancing feet
To the rescue, here i am
Want you to know, y'all, where i stand
Fantastic song. Reminds me of Lino.. and summer..
Oslo, 11th of april, 10 degrees celcius, clearblue sky, dizzyness from yesterdays fiesta, a big smile on my face and good friends surrounding lovely ME!!
Time for a icecold pepsi max, a snaxy lunch and a FANTASTIC DAY!!! Enjoy peeps.
Make you want to move your dancing feet
To the rescue, here i am
Want you to know, y'all, where i stand
Fantastic song. Reminds me of Lino.. and summer..
Oslo, 11th of april, 10 degrees celcius, clearblue sky, dizzyness from yesterdays fiesta, a big smile on my face and good friends surrounding lovely ME!!
Time for a icecold pepsi max, a snaxy lunch and a FANTASTIC DAY!!! Enjoy peeps.
Friday, April 09, 2010

Good saturday morning. What a fantastic start to the weekend..
Yesterday we had the years first "sitting outside drinking beer" day. Fantastic! Two beers, laughter, even a little tears, laughter again and then home! Today I got up super early and put on my new summer skirt. I AM READY FOR THE 17 DEGREES TO BURN ON ME!! How can it be possible that it will go from a few + degrees too 17c?? Oh well.. we will see.
Have a great weekend everyone. Today Im off to see my dads new little puppy, Mickey! Cant wait :) Work.chill & puppylove
Monday, April 05, 2010
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