The end of august is approaching.. Finally I have a job:) Im starting off as a assistant store manager in a very nice shoe store called Bianco.. Oh my God, the shoooes.. the shoes are better than a hot cup of chocolate on a cold winterday.. they are better than a unexpected kiss in the dark.. they are.. heavenly:) - for those of you that cant check out the shoes in Norway:)

The rain is poring down.. I just spoke to "the bodyguard" in Barcelona.. The sun is apparantly shining and its super hot.. and here I am, home from a nice workout outside - SOAKING weet!! i guess thats reality.. I have to get used to looong and coooold days. Its okey when I have my angels around me. Lise Lotte (one of my closest friends) is coming to visit me again, last month when she was here was AMAZiNG!! that makes weather and cold less important:)
I am planning to do some travelling though.. cant decidede to where I should go ..
Iceland, Copenhagen, Barcelona, Stockholm, India, GuatemalaHELP me oooout!!